What are the implications of having or not having knowledge?


What are the implications of having or not having knowledge?

Knowledge is a powerful tool in the hands of the possessor. It could improve personal growth and thus progress the society and well bring of a person holistically. If one doesn’t have knowledge it leads to ignorance, inequality and obstruct any development.

Having knowledgeNot having knowledge
Informed persons contribute to the advancement of the society, fight for justice as well be civic disciplined. For example social activists who have good knowledge about human rights and other social justice topics can advocate and fight for an equitable society. Knowledge is a driving force for sorts of innovations and thus progress be it science or technological fields like vaccine development which has led to growth in healthcare as well prevention of various diseases.   Knowledge also helps in critical thinking and good decision-making like in business, someone who is financially literate can solve problems related to investments and make informed decisions related to finances. This knowledge also helps in personal growth and development all his/ her life for instance, when learning a new computer language, the person not only learns coding or programming language but eventually it leads to new job opportunities.  Knowledge about well being both physical and mental can lead a person to have a better healthy lifestyle. They tend to follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly thus reducing the risk of possible chronic diseases.  If the individual doesn’t have much or lacks knowledge, he/she may be exploited or manipulated or oppressed. For example in the workplace if the employee is not aware of his legal rights, he will be exploited with unfair labour practices. Lack of knowledge also may create misunderstandings, may have biases and could be misinformed. We see this often in different cultures where people are stereotyped. Knowledge gaps could create social and economic inequalities like we see in few regions or castes in India no good education leads to poverty cycle through generations   It is also observed that no or lesser knowledge leads to poor decision making in all areas of life. And few societies remain stuck with no growth due to lack of education or knowledge especially with no technological advances limited any further social growth.
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