What are the implications of having or not having knowledge?

Implications of having or not having knowledge

PROMPT 7 What are the implications of having or not having knowledge? Knowledge is a powerful tool in the hands of the possessor. It could improve personal growth and thus progress the society and well bring of a person holistically. If one doesn’t have knowledge it leads to ignorance, inequality and obstruct any development. Having … Read more

How does the way that we organize or classify knowledge affect what we know?

classification and organization of knowledge

PROMPT 6  How we organize and classify knowledge impacts the ways we access, build and perceive various data and information. If the knowledge is organised it can improve learning, collaboration and a good comprehension. It is very important for shaping our understanding of the world and influencing what we know. The structure in which knowledge … Read more

What counts as good evidence for a claim?

What counts as a good evidence for a claim?

Good evidence for a claim normally relies on the nature and the context of the claim. The evidence that can support a claim could be different according to various situations. Multiple evidences are required for a good balanced argument. Examples of good evidences If there is an expert in a particular field like a historian … Read more

What features of knowledge have an impact on its reliability?

Features of knowledge have an impact on its reliability

What features of knowledge have an impact on its reliability? Reliability means “repeatability” or “consistency”.  In research, it is considered reliable if it would give us the same result over and over again. Assumption here is there is no change in what we are measuring. Examples: Features of knowledge that have an impact on its … Read more

Are some types of knowledge more useful than others?

 PROMPT 2 Are some types of knowledge more useful than others? Knowledge usefulness depends on its practical nature where you can solve real world problems like engineering, medicine, technology etc. In the latter example, digital literacy might be highly valuable in the current world. I would personally say that any knowledge that can let people navigate social situations, improve good communication and … Read more

What counts as knowledge?

What counts as knowledge

This is a difficult question to answer. There are a number of approaches that focus on this prompt. Social epistemology:  [1]Knowledge is not only an individual aspect but is also a social aspect that is shaped because of various interactions and shared practices. However, one needs to consider the reliability of these sources of information … Read more



In the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) exhibition, students are often required to select and present three objects that represent their exploration of knowledge issues and the application of TOK concepts from the TOK prompts given in the TOK guide. Each object should be accompanied by a written commentary that reflects on the significance of the … Read more